Be supportive, show empathy, bestow compassion and see what happens

Just recently I began using another hashtag on “the gram” (aka Instagram) and its #GirlBossSupporter. Of course, this signifies this that I support women entrepreneurs, women who are chasing their dreams and materializing them, but I also like to encourage women in general (actually everyone). There has been many instances in 2016 that have been…

A Learning-ful Weekend: 10 ways I’m growing and stretching

I don’t know how your weekend went, our how you spent it but, I can certainly classify my weekend as “Learning-ful”. I think my whole week was  learning-ful to be very honest, however, I am going to zero in on my weeked- Saturday to be exact! This past Saturday I did something that I never…

The Definition Of A #GirlBoss

The more I live and the more experiences I have along with the people I have encountered,  have helped me realize something very powerful about myself. I am a #GirlBoss. I hashtag the term “Girl Boss” in almost all of my recent Instagram posts, because I believe that I am a #GirlBoss. [Sidenote: If you…

A year can make all the difference

A  couple weeks ago,  I posted this  quote on my Instagram: And it could not of been more true. Today, I found myself thinking about who I was and what I was doing, this same time last year. Again,  that quote could not of been more true. I distinctly remember that this time, last year,…

Catch the sun, while you can. {Weekend Recap /w a message}

Hello Hello Hello! Good Monday everyone! To those who are celebrating Halloween today, Happpyy Halloween!!! This Monday’s message comes in the form a recap of my weekend. I had a glorious weekend! My Saturday was very  fun-filled- let me tell you! [Sidenote: If you are not following me on Snapchat: theonlysol, you need to. It…

This Friday,……

Loves, I’m going to be very honest, I have no idea what to talk to you all about ! I had several topics flowing around my mind and nothing seems to stick. So, I decided to go  with the truth, I got NOTHING! This confession alone, makes me laugh because as much as it is true, its funny…

There Once Was A Girl Who Did Not Like To Read…..

Good Morning Loves, I hope you have been doing very well. You may have missed me last Friday, there was no blog post. My apologies, I was out enjoying the fresh air, and getting a new perspective. I tend to hold  myself hostage inside my home to work, seldom changing my environment . I know…

#LetsGetPersonal: What have I been up to? {LIFE UPDATE}

Lately, if you haven’t noticed, I have been sharing a myriad of positivity and #GirlBoss messages. This has been taking place on my Social Media (make sure you follow me there;) ).  It’s very much the space I am in at the moment, and I like it! I have opened up about how I am dealing…

Radio interview /w Drinking Tea With Vee this Sunday!

Helllooo Loves! I’ve got some fantastic news! This Sunday, tune into Asylum Radio and hear me on @DrinkingTeaWithVee ! Oh yes! That’s right! I’m going to be on the air!  Live, drinking tea and chatting with another #GirlBoss about some great topics and up and coming projects!  I’m so excited! Mark your calendar for Sunday October…