Monday Motivation: There is really NO excuse!

Goooood Morning Loves! It’s another Monday and a new month, October! For some, it means Halloween is around the corner. This also  also means that Thanksgiving is near and of course, the grandest holiday of them all, Christmas! To others, it’s just a new week, maybe even a birthday (Happy Birthday to all!). To others,…

Monday Motivation: Putting you before me?! NOPE!

Do you ever help someone else before you help yourself? If you do, don’t you find it easier to do so before helping yourself? I have noticed that I find it easier to help or do something for someone else than doing something that is a priority for myself. OFTEN! Now this is not to say,…

Monday Mornings: Stay focused! You never know who is watching.

  Good (Mon)day everyone! This Monday’s Mornning Motivation is a continuation of last week’s Friday’s Reflection post. Last Friday, I reflected (just a little) on what I learned throughout that week. I want to share something with you that will make total sense, concerning the title of Today’s message! You never know who is watching you….

#MondayMotivation: I’m NOT sorry.

Hi Loves, Happy Monday to ya! Instagram is one of those places I frequent to get some inspiration. So, I am sharing this line that I found with you. This line is resonates deeply with me because, I am currently moving out of my own confort zones. I am learning to get comfortable with being…

Monday Motivation: It’s not THAT serious

Good Morning Loves! If your weekend was anything like mine, then it was eventful and well spent. As I mentioned in Friday’s post, it was my birthday and Carnival weekend here in Rotterdam. SO, my weekend was fabulous!! I’m tired but I am very happy and very contented. My weekend was a combination of dancing,…

Monday Mornings: A route to happiness

It is the very last week of July and we are moving into a new month. Hello August! This is not to alarm or worry you. This is to wake you up. If you have been gliding or sleeping through 2016, you no longer have that luxury. It is a new week and it is…

#MondayMotivation: There’s enough for everyone.

Goooood Morninggggggg! It is another week which means more opportunities to demolish obstacles, conquer dreams and set new goals. This past week, I reached out to a fellow blogger/vlogger to collaborate on an idea that I had (,which is currently under development) and I shared the news of this collaboration with a family member. I explained…

#MotivationMonday: You are (beautiful) enough!

Good Morning! Gooood Morning! Goooood Morning! I hope  you are looking  fabulous and feeling loved today! This quote gets down into my spirit and deep into my soul.   Why? Some days, as women (and even the gentlemen), we feel like we are not (beautiful) enough. We are not pretty, attractive or cute enough. We constantly pick…

3 reasons to document your accomplishments

  It’s #Mondayyyy! Aren’t you hyped? I am. This  is why! What I’ve decided to do for this year is to make it a point to document every amazing thing that has happened to me! ( I’ve already began writing down the events in my  organizer.) No matter the size, BIG or small, I am…