Be supportive, show empathy, bestow compassion and see what happens

Just recently I began using another hashtag on “the gram” (aka Instagram) and its #GirlBossSupporter. Of course, this signifies this that I support women entrepreneurs, women who are chasing their dreams and materializing them, but I also like to encourage women in general (actually everyone). There has been many instances in 2016 that have been…

This Friday,……

Loves, I’m going to be very honest, I have no idea what to talk to you all about ! I had several topics flowing around my mind and nothing seems to stick. So, I decided to go  with the truth, I got NOTHING! This confession alone, makes me laugh because as much as it is true, its funny…

#LetsGetPersonal: What have I been up to? {LIFE UPDATE}

Lately, if you haven’t noticed, I have been sharing a myriad of positivity and #GirlBoss messages. This has been taking place on my Social Media (make sure you follow me there;) ).  It’s very much the space I am in at the moment, and I like it! I have opened up about how I am dealing…

Monday Motivation: There is really NO excuse!

Goooood Morning Loves! It’s another Monday and a new month, October! For some, it means Halloween is around the corner. This also  also means that Thanksgiving is near and of course, the grandest holiday of them all, Christmas! To others, it’s just a new week, maybe even a birthday (Happy Birthday to all!). To others,…

Monday Motivation: Putting you before me?! NOPE!

Do you ever help someone else before you help yourself? If you do, don’t you find it easier to do so before helping yourself? I have noticed that I find it easier to help or do something for someone else than doing something that is a priority for myself. OFTEN! Now this is not to say,…

Friday’s Reflections: Secretive or just cautious?

  Am I too secretive? Hello everyone! My apologies for not posting on Monday. If you are not following me on social media, please do. That’s where all my updates are shared.  As a consolation, enjoy this post. Loves, I needed a day off. For the past few days, I was not feeling like myself….


I’ve reached 100 blog posts!  What an accomplishment! To be honest, it’s a bit crazy for me to think about. I remember when I published my very first post ; I was nervous and blogged in secret. I did that until I took the jump and told the whole world  that I was blogging. From that…

Friday Reflections: Do you feel like an imposter?

Have I gotten your attention? Are you intrigued? Great!  Let’s get to this week’s reflection, shall we? I was having a conversation the other day with a friend of mine, and I asked the question: Do you feel like you’re pretending to be something/someone that you are not? I expected a “Yes”, and that is…

Monday Mornings: Stay focused! You never know who is watching.

  Good (Mon)day everyone! This Monday’s Mornning Motivation is a continuation of last week’s Friday’s Reflection post. Last Friday, I reflected (just a little) on what I learned throughout that week. I want to share something with you that will make total sense, concerning the title of Today’s message! You never know who is watching you….

It’s my 1 year Blogger-versary!

Looking back on 1 year of blogging It taught me that consistency, qaulity and flexibility are key for blog growth but moreso, PATIENCE!