Mind Your Business: You are where you are supposed to be.

As I was lying in bed last night, looking upwards towards the ceiling, allowing my mind to wonder. I was wondering to myself, “Should I be contemplating my life and where I am at the moment?” The answer came back to me very quickly.” NOPE! You are where you are supposed to be”. Comparison is the…

3 weeks left in 2016

There are 3 weeks  left in 2016. I am just going to let that settle in for a moment. M O M E N T Yes, that’s right! There are 3 weeks left in 2016 and 3 weeks before 2017 rolls in. the month of December is month of many things. It’s the Christmas season…

Be supportive, show empathy, bestow compassion and see what happens

Just recently I began using another hashtag on “the gram” (aka Instagram) and its #GirlBossSupporter. Of course, this signifies this that I support women entrepreneurs, women who are chasing their dreams and materializing them, but I also like to encourage women in general (actually everyone). There has been many instances in 2016 that have been…

I made the news!

Hello Folks! So, this week I made the news, not here in the Netherlands, but back home, in the Caribbean, where I’m from. Remember? I’m an island girl. Oh, yes! I was in The Daily Herald newspaper, located on St.Maarten, which covers the news from the neighboring islands (Saba, St.Eustatius), the many other Caribbean islands…

A Learning-ful Weekend: 10 ways I’m growing and stretching

I don’t know how your weekend went, our how you spent it but, I can certainly classify my weekend as “Learning-ful”. I think my whole week was  learning-ful to be very honest, however, I am going to zero in on my weeked- Saturday to be exact! This past Saturday I did something that I never…

The Definition Of A #GirlBoss

The more I live and the more experiences I have along with the people I have encountered,  have helped me realize something very powerful about myself. I am a #GirlBoss. I hashtag the term “Girl Boss” in almost all of my recent Instagram posts, because I believe that I am a #GirlBoss. [Sidenote: If you…

A year can make all the difference

A  couple weeks ago,  I posted this  quote on my Instagram: And it could not of been more true. Today, I found myself thinking about who I was and what I was doing, this same time last year. Again,  that quote could not of been more true. I distinctly remember that this time, last year,…

Be honest, Be vulnerable, Be brave

Good Monday, Have you ever felt like you’re the only person going through a situation, or a problem? I know the saying that “everyone has problems” and it’s true. Everyone has their own troubles, some are just better at hiding, or dealing with them than others. Sometimes, we are in our own heads to the…

Catch the sun, while you can. {Weekend Recap /w a message}

Hello Hello Hello! Good Monday everyone! To those who are celebrating Halloween today, Happpyy Halloween!!! This Monday’s message comes in the form a recap of my weekend. I had a glorious weekend! My Saturday was very  fun-filled- let me tell you! [Sidenote: If you are not following me on Snapchat: theonlysol, you need to. It…