Thoughts of Sol is ending.

Change is a part of life. Well, that time has come. This blog as we know it, Thoughts of Sol is ending, and is moving to a whole new home.

6 ways to kick butt in 2021!

Listen, 2021 is literally around the corner and we need to be ready! We’re saying buh-bye to 2021 and kicking butt in 2021 in which ways.

How I negotiated with my Mr.Scrooge

It’s December! It’s Christmas time! It’s also a time where some people are not the most Merry nor Bright in mood. I get it. However, with the way 2020 has been, we need to celebrate making it through. With that being said, this is a No Scrooge zone over here! You want Christmas cheer in your atmosphere? Here’s how to negotiate with your Scrooge:

Heavens,Why me?!

Sometimes, things happen to get your attention. They happen to slow you down and bring you to the present. So, just stop and read what’s I’m saying here

The Dawn of a New Decade

Let me be honest, I’m not going to miss my 20’s, especially the last 5 years. Those were some of the most confusing, stressful, and painful years of my life! Why? Read about it here.

You are loved!

Hi loves, Please remember that even if today is not a good day, not matter what, you are loved. Through it all, be grateful and remember that you are loved!   Blessings, Sol

Fall down 7 times, Get up 10!

I’ve been gone for a couple weeks as you may or may not have noticed. I hope you noticed and I hoped you missed me and my blog. Plainly, I let other things happen. I let other life events and new things take precedence over my blog  and I narrowed it down to,  not having…

New Year, New Challenges, New Chances

Happy Happy Happy New Year Folks! I pray that you have an industrious and blessed year. I know that I did not have a blog for you yesterday (Monday) and I was planning not to blog until Friday because I have been doing some thinking and planning. However, in light of the new year and new…

2017 Message: It’s not the Destination, its the Journey.

Happy Holidays Loves, I know I have been MIA these past days but I was just living and enjoying life, mixed with having to work and getting ready for Christmas! Now, its almost 2017. If you follow me on Instagram and Snapchat you would of seen it all (@theonlysol for both). There has been a…