6 ways to kick butt in 2021!

December is over ! Can you believe it?! I’m sure many of us are just OVER 2020 anyway and are looking forward to a better 2021. With that being said, How are you preparing for 2021?

Before I dive into my personal suggestions preparing for 2021, I just want to say that I feel that 2021 is going to be tremendous. I just feel it! I know it! Having learned that my intuition is right, I have decided to end my 2020 strong so I can carry that momentum into 2021.

That being said,  let me now share with you  my top 6 ways to prepare for 2021 and get things done!

  1. Ask yourself, What do I want? Take the time to ask yourself this question. Really examine this thoroughly. Take as long as you need. Try to identify what is that you want, like,or would want to try. Even if it’s just an idea, identify what it is you want.
  2. Make it plain. Write it down. Make your idea of what you want as clear to you as possible. Put it on paper and  revise it until it is clear to you and  you can then explain that to someone else. Making it plain can even come in the form of a vision board. Visual representation of your vision, idea, and dreams is equally important because the image is what stays with you longer, and as  Bishop T.D. Jakes says, “You can’t be, what you do not see”. 
  3. Speak it into existence. Once 1 and 2 have been done, talk about it. Try  communicating what you want to yourself with confidence. Then ask yourself,  “Do I believe myself when I say this?”. Once you achieve it, try communicating to your loved ones, those  people closest to you.  Be bold and unapologetic.
  4. Make it plain, Part II. You’ve written down what you want. Great! Now, let’s write down all the steps, things you think you need to achieve this! Everything!  Breathe… don’t get overwhelmed by how long that list may be; Don’t even get discouraged. The mere fact that you made it to point 4 is AMAZING!
  5. Let’s organize. I recommend using the Eisenhower Matrix of urgent, important , not urgent and  not important, etc to help you group the tasks in order of importance, based on what you feel needs to be done. It works for me, maybe it will for you as well.

6. Start! It does not matter how you start, but just start, what’s most important is that you have  a clear vision, strong self confidence and plan to get there. And ultimately, a plan to get there. 

Hope these suggestions give you something to think about. Do you have any to add? Share them in the comments sections.

See you in 2021!


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  1. Lusandra Wilson says:



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