Heavens,Why me?!

Hey Guys,

Have you ever had a situation happen to you that made you go, ‘What the hell?’ Seriously, have you ever found yourself in a situation that made you looked to the heavens and ask ‘Why?! Why me? Why now? Then, we (or maybe not all of us) get upset, throw fits, maybe even a tantrum—all because we don’t understand. I’m here to tell you to embrace these things, when they happen to you. Experience the emotions and then put yourself on a time out. Go and reflect, get mindful, get aware and during that process, try to see if you can find the silver lining in your dark moment.

Sometimes, things happen to get your attention. They happen to slow you down and bring you to the present. Unfortunate and untimely events happen, in some instances to wake you up and teach to be grateful and show gratitude.

I recently experienced a situation that left me in shock, angry and feeling like I didn’t have any control. After the shock wore off, I dealt with my feelings and surrendered to the situation. I realized that whole situation FORCED me to stop. It gave me the gift of time to reflect, it gifted me with the ability to see situations for what they were and pushed me in a direction that I always wanted to explore. As scary as that is, it also exhalating. I know I am speaking in code; you guys just need to trust and bear with me.

If I have said this before, I am going to reiterate, everything that happens to you really does happen for a reason and it is up to you to see the opportunity. Today’s message is a short but sweet one.

Be smart, Stay safe,


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