Changes are not just for New Year’s Resolutions

Hey Guys,

Like many things in my life, this blog is also in transition. Things are going to change over here at Thoughts of Sol. I am not just referring to the aesthetics, but to content and branding. 

You see,there were several reasons for my being on hiatus for so long: 

  1. I felt as if I  didn’t have anything interesting to share anymore. It felt like I was talking about the same or similar topics over, and over again. I thought the topics I was scrambling to create posts about were boring. I have since learned that it is not what I want, it’s about what you all want to hear, and how best I can meet your needs. 
  2. I lost direction. For the years I was gone, I was growing; learning  about who I am and reinventing myself. If I’m honest, I’m still on the journey and will continue to travel that road of self-discovery. As a result, I have found the direction in which I want to take this blog.

It will not be in an entirely new direction,as there will still be elements of this blog in the new one. There will be aspiration/manifestation  and career related content, with a sprinkle of  my magic as well! Yes, I am nervous, but I am going for it!

 As  I work towards rebranding, I realize that maybe, just maybe the name ‘ Thoughts of Sol’, will no longer represent my  vision and mission. The possibility exists that the name of this blog will also change – but change is good, as growth is necessary.

While the bulk of these adjustments are taking place behind the scenes, but  when I  can, I will  certainly share sneak peeks on my Instagram (@theonlysol). If you are looking for a launch date, I don’t have one yet. I am aiming for the end of the year, which is vague -however, once a concrete date is set, I will inform everyone – so  guys,please keep me accountable. 

What do you all think about changing the name of my blog? I was thinking on changing it to

Let me hear your thoughts,


2 Comments Add yours

    1. Thank you! What do you find awesome about my post?


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