The Dawn of a New Decade

Hey Guys!

I turned 30 this year! I know I don’t look it, and if there’s enough interest –  I’ll  share my tips on achieving and maintaining a youthful appearance and  attitude with you. 

Let me be honest, I’m not going to miss my 20’s, especially the last 5 years. Those were some of the most confusing, stressful, and painful years of my  life! Why? Simply because I was literally beginning to learn who I was. I was (re)discovering my likes and dislikes, my strengths and weaknesses which gave me clarity and helped me reinvent myself. Difficult as it was, I am grateful for the experience, because those “growing pains”  have helped me mature into the woman I am today.  

In the months leading up to 30, I felt as if I was transitioning mentally.  As if there would be life changes that only God knew about, and that I needed to prepare for. The last 5 years have included me completing my Master’s degree and diving head first into figuring out “what now?”. I was  determined to prove to the world that I was worthy of their time and money. I spent those years chasing an ever-fleeting, traditional way of creating and building a successful career. Like many of my generation, and those before me, I was dealing with the societal pressures of building a successful career, and personal life. Like Usher, I was …….Caught Up!

I’m still as ambitious and driven as ever, but I’ve since realized that success can only be defined by me. My career can only be built, moulded and folded by ME! I had to come to terms with the fact that I didn’t know a lot of things when I was 25, and I can’t go back and change that.  I had to make peace with my past missteps and mistakes, and mourn what I thought were losses in order for me to move on. I did the best I could do for me at the time. Once we all accept that fact and learn from it, we can  then move on with wisdom and experience.

I had to realize that all those people, who I felt were lecturing me and challenging me to get up off the floor when I felt like the world was passing me by, meant well. That they wanted the best for me, but maybe I wasn’t ready to receive it at the time. I couldn’t understand it then, but I get it now- and that’s okay. We’re all on different journeys with different timelines.

Once I stopped thinking like a student, that is, from a place of lack where I  felt like I  didn’t have enough, and started thinking from a place of abundance – I discovered that I have more than enough. I had to push through almost crippling fear to go for what I wanted. I was seeking self-validation from external factors; I wanted the world to recognize and see how amazing I am, but I didn’t believe how great I am. Now, I’m clapping for my damn self. 

Now, if you are on your journey to 30, and wondering how it is? So far, it’s not bad. It’s pretty great over here! I’m looking forward to all the great things in store!

Til the next time,


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