Gratitude in the midst of COVID-19

8 min read.

Hey Guys,

How are you? Really,…how are you? I think everyone can agree that we are living in some pretty unprecedented times. COVID -19, or ‘The Rona’ as I like to call her, has taken over, and turned the world upside down. We are in a new era, a new normal and we’re all adjusting. For some, it’s an opportunity to increase, and improve their financial situation. For others, it’s a time of crisis felt throughout all areas of their lives. Whichever side of the spectrum you fall, I really hope all of you are healthy, and doing well throughout these difficult times. If things aren’t going well, I hope this post will help give you more of a positive perspective.

So, how have I been dealing with ‘The Rona’?  I am doing well, thank God. Like you, I have been coming to terms with our new reality. I am so grateful that my loved ones and I remained healthy throughout our lockdown, and that I had job security. These blessings allowed me the time needed to really slow down, reflect and plan.

Recently, I was scrolling through Instagram and I came across a post from @thebreaksocial, who reposted from Carmen Solomons. (See Below).

This post brought a few points into even greater focus for me. As some may know, I work in the fashion retail industry, which like others, can be very volatile. The past year and half has seen many retail giants struggle to remain in business, or collapse altogether as a result of failing to adapt to the current business climate. Downsizing, store closures, an online- only presence and even bankruptcy, have unfortunately become increasingly common.  Examples can be found among established and legacy brands such as Victoria’s Secret, Forever21, Toys R Us, Walmart, V &D, Zara, H&M et cetera. Curious? You can read all about it on CNN, Business Insider and USA Today to name a few.

Granted, the rise of eCommerce has impacted the way everyone shops, with an estimated 1.8 billion people worldwide purchasing goods online. Nonetheless, consumers still enjoy visiting the brick-and-mortar establishments, like Primark – where you can only shop in-store, for the total shopping experience.  According to Oberlo’s (2020) statistics, 63 percent of shopping occasions begin online. Throw a global pandemic like COVID-19 into the mix, and the possible outcomes are easy to foretell: 

  • Less and Less people are leaving their homes to go shopping or, they are not shopping at all
  • An increase of online shopping for clothes or groceries
  • Businesses having to close; many can’t recover or are struggling to recover
  • Stores are downsizing to try and survive
  • Many are jobless or about to become jobless
  • Unemployment rates skyrocketing
  • There is no security any more, that sense of security is gone for many

Starting to have a better understanding? I hope so. If you are part of the very fortunate who were sent home during the lockdown period, received your full salary and STILL had a job when things resumed to ‘ normal’ – CONSIDER YOURSELF BLESSED!!!! That one post helped to shift my focus to have an even deeper attitude of gratitude.

This is personal for me.  Why? I work in retail for the Big Blue, Primark, and have been for a few years now. I was extremely grateful during “The ‘Rona” to still have a job to come back to, and it was comforting to know that I would still receive my salary and have job security. I am not going to lie, as a Communications Girl, I also have to tip my hat to Primark on how they kept us informed, encouraged and entertained.  During the lockdown, our internal communications went well. We received company updates regularly through email and Facebook groups, and there were several management team meetings. Managers checked-in with staff often to see how everyone was doing and colleagues also reached out to each other. Let’s not forget the many Tik Tok challenges, and sharing of recipes and ideas on how to stay fit and keep a healthy mental state. Knowing that we were all in this together, helped immensely in coping with the initial stages of life with “The Rona”.

Externally, Primark donated loads of items to charities and essential workers – the heroes on the front line. They showed gratitude and respect in supporting those who are doing their best to keep us alive, and well.

Some of my colleagues from Primark Amsterdam, donating to our local charity, De Regenboog groep.

Simply put, this post is about gratitude. I don’t think many of us understand our privilege and that we are to be grateful for what we have because others are far worse off. Do not take anything for granted. Do not be so caught up that you can’t look past your nose at the bigger picture. ‘Rona’ showed up to the party uninvited and wrecked the place, and we are all struggling to recover and move forward. Some are doing better than others, but if there is anything this year has reinforced for me is, things can change with no warning! With that being said, be grateful. Be smart. Be safe and remember that you are blessed.                                                                                                                                             Til the next time,


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Looking good Thoughts of Sol. And welcome back! Missed you and your posts.


    1. Hey, Miss Inspirations! Thank you very much. I’m glad to be back.


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