Fall down 7 times, Get up 10!

I’ve been gone for a couple weeks as you may or may not have noticed. I hope you noticed and I hoped you missed me and my blog.

Plainly, I let other things happen. I let other life events and new things take precedence over my blog  and I narrowed it down to,  not having anything interesting to say that can be seen as valuable to say and reverting back into old habits, comfort zones, which are much easier than toughing out the hard, new and challenging.

Now, by not having anything “interesting” to say, (allow me to elaborate) just means, so much has happened, “What’s the most interesting?” I couldn’t decide, so what happened? I decided to say nothing. I also attribute my absence to not feeling “that” great.  I shared these feeling with my sister and she suggested maybe it’s the weather. Now, I’ve never been one to suffer from seasonal depression, because it is the winter and I am a summer child(Sol comes alive in the sun). However, I realize more and more that growth does not come from reverting back into comfort areas. Growth does not come from doing, what you’ve always done  What grows in those instances I just described, is complacency, just enough, the minimum and a routine to an extent.

2017 is all about growth for me and that requires commitment to stick through it, during the tough and uncomfortable times, which is difficult. It is.  Having caught myself  by realizing what was happening, I need to quickly remind myself of my vision. I had to remind myself of my journey; how far I’ve come and that I need to continue going.  I’ve also been reminded that when those negative voices rise up, you need to shut them down, instantly. You cannot believe everything your mind tells you, because if you know better and know that you have so much to achieve and conquer there is NO WAY you should believe what those voices are telling you. No matter how real those negative voices  sound, shut them down. I can tell you because I have  recently experienced it and I did not believe it! Why?  It is because I realized that I am going somewhere, I am making progress (even if I can’t see  it sometimes) and whatever my  doubts, worries and fears are , they are trying to keep me back.  I knew instantly not to believe it because I KNOW I have dreams to work towards, I know, that my doubts and fear do not define me but will suffocate me if I allow them to.

I say all this to say that, my absence was the result of  my feelings, reverting  briefly to  my comfort zone (aka taking the easy way out)  and some annoyingly loud negative internal voices. This all led to me realize that growth and progression cannot manifest from any of it. So, I may have fallen off, but I’m UP now and I moving forward and THAT’S WHAT COUNTS!


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  1. lover4life4567 says:

    I love this! I recently got a second job and its been tough juggling both and launching my blog a couple of weeks ago. I feel like I never get to sleep. As I was getting ready to come in to work tonight, I thought to myself “Just call out and quit.” There are reasons why I found a second job and once I went over them, I was able to make myself go. No more comfort zone for me either! Thanks!


    1. This is so fabulous! But you are sooo right, comfort zones are gone, and endurance and perseverance are innnn!!! You are very much welcome. Come back again!

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