New Year, New Challenges, New Chances

Happy Happy Happy New Year Folks!

I pray that you have an industrious and blessed year. I know that I did not have a blog for you yesterday (Monday) and I was planning not to blog until Friday because I have been doing some thinking and planning.

However, in light of the new year and new opportunities, I decided to give you something today. Normally, I would plan first, then I would execute later – basically the way most people do things. However, I’ve been challenged to try something different, work in parallel. Meaning, while I plan, I execute my plan at the same time and see how it turns out. Hesitant, much?

You see, I like taking things step-by-step. It’s what I’ve been taught, it’s what I am used to, it’s what I know and it has worked for me so far. Now, I have been challenged to do things differently. To go against the grain, you could say. Basically, I’ve been challenged to get out of  my comfort zone! How interesting, right?

It’s not just to do the research, make the plan and once it all completed completed, execute it. No. It is to now execute and make the changes as you go along. I see the allure of it all, and how enticing the idea is. What ends up happening is that you learn faster whether or not your plan works and what changes to make. Rather than waiting until everything is complete, your research, documented plan etc etc, you test it out as you go and make the alternations to your plan. (Note: I’m not saying to do things half-way, but maybe you don’t need to wait until certain things are in order, why not try now and see?) Possibly saving more time, and receiving faster results. It sounds so simple, so then there should be no issue in giving this a try, right?

Well, anything that’s been a habit for a while, is hard to alter, BUT that does not mean, that trying is impossible. Therefore, that’s what I am going to do. I am going to try. This means that as I plan and strategize for my blog in 2017, I deliver the content that I have promised to deliver twice a week. While I’m doing that I will be testing myself to see how truly flexible and adaptable I  really am. I’m basically putting my money where my mouth is and seeing  how welcoming I am to change and changes.

This is going to take some adjustment, but that’s what a challenge is; adjusting to something nwp-1483437068667.jpgew that is only going to enrich you.

2017 is going to be a year of learning, advancement, prosperity and growth for me. I can feel it! So here’s to challenges, getting out my comfort zones, breaking (mental) barriers, discovering and tapping into new skills and talents and slaying 2017!




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