2017 Message: It’s not the Destination, its the Journey.

Happy Holidays Loves,

I know I have been MIA these past days but I was just living and enjoying life, mixed with having to work and getting ready for Christmas! Now, its almost 2017. If you follow me on Instagram and Snapchat you would of seen it all (@theonlysol for both). There has been a great deal of things that have happened since we last spoke. I’ve had a few learning-full moments, realizations, thoughts, and talks that have all added value to my journey towards growth and being the best me in life. I did not know what to share, so I decided to be present in them all, reflect on and extract the messages that I want to share with you all.

What I am about to share, is what I think is needed for all millennials. During some point in your life, no matter what direction you take or industry you decided to enter, you need a mentor. I’m not going to tell you who they should be, you will have to figure that out for yourself however, I believe everyone should have a mentor who has done it ALL before you.  As you start out in your careers or different areas of life, you need someone who is experienced in the area that you want to get into, that can help guide, advise and encourage you on your path. Someone with at least 20+ years experience (in my opinion, just throwing a number out there), that can help you hone your skills and even connect you to the right people (if you have ideas) that can assist  in getting your ideas off the ground. Someone you can respect and has a very good track record. Basically, the proof has to be in the pudding with the person you like to be your mentor.

Now I know that not all of us has immediate access to physical mentors, but you shouldn’t use that as an excuse. We just have to get creative. Nowadays, there are endless ways to get the guidance you seek. We have books, we have seminars, we have the Internet for research, there are other ways to get the support and mentorship you need.  You may have the books, follow the careers of people you admire and see how they made the wheel work for them and  then follow their blue-print adjusting it to yourself, until you actually find a person to be your mentor. I know the method’s I’m suggesting aren’t exactly what you want to hear but it’s something!

So, what is the real reason behind this post? I had a couple of conversations in the last week  with someone who is far more experienced in the business game than I am. And I just had a ton of realizations and good advice that left me in deep thought. Why? It’s because the type of conversation we had I needed to hear. It was valuable because I got advise from someone who has been through it before, priceless aka valuable. I then realized that if in order for these kinds of conversations continue happening I have to be even more committed to growth and learning even when the process may be painful. This then lead me to think again, that it is not the destination, but it the journey that you need to take to get there- that’s what’s important. It is the people you meet along the journey, the lessons and experiences and the willingness to learn and commit to the process that gets you to your destination.

If you haven’t noticed but certain words keep coming back in my posts, patience, commitment, focus because I am realizing for myself, I need all these to endure the process that life is taking me on towards my destination. 2017 is about all these things, and if you look closely, you will see how many people are committed to the journey and those that are serious are the ones you  draw your inspiration from.

This ladies and gentlemen, is my message for 2017.

Happy New Year!2017


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