Problems are seen with the eyes, opportunities are seen with the mind

So, I’m falling in love with books. Yep! They’re becoming something that I really enjoy. Now that I travel for work, I take a book with me and use the time on the train to read more and faff less on my Social Media. Now before you all get the wrong idea, faffing means: spending time doing an ineffectual activity. In my case, just mindlessly scrolling through my social media feeds. If you have ever caught yourself doing this, see how much time you’ve waste doing it, whilst you could be doing something else.

I’ve been reading this book, I’m sure many of you have heard of it before, Rich dad, Poor dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki. 


As I have said in a previous post, one of my long term goals, is financial security and with that comes financial freedom. I want to live a very comfortable life. I don’t need fame, I’m not asking nor wishing for it, but I want to have the life that is meant for me, that I dream of.  This book educates you on the different ways to accumulate wealth and how the wealthy stay wealthy. it’s a combination of the right mindset and building financial intelligence.  It teaches you to a degree on the financial education that many of us may not have received in our homes (because may be our parents did not have it) or in schools (because in school we are taught to be great employees).

The book coaches about making money work for you, instead of you working for money.  How do you, take the money you earn right now  and multiply it?  Instead of working hard to earn more, which will be taxed greater, how do you take that money you earn and bring in extra income? What hobby’s and passions can you use to generate and accumulate wealth?

There are many lessons and great one-liners in the book that got me thinking. It was , “problems are seen with the eyes, opportunities are seen with the mind”. My interpretation of this saying is that if you see something as problem, it’s a problem. If you see something as an opportunity, then it’s a chance to bring a solution to the problem that people may be willing to pay for. Of course, this is may be oversimplified for some, but this how I understand it. It’s about perspective. How do you want to see things?

What things are happening in your life that you see as problems but really and truly they are opportunities to something great? Are blinded or even conditioned to see something as only a problem?  Think about it. Maybe this could be a goal for 2017….

  • Work on changing my perspective.
  • Start seeing  problems as opportunities.

Food for thought, perhaps?




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