If your life was movie, how would you like the ending to be?

I realizing more and more that many of us do not look past our noses when it comes to our futures. Some of us, wake up each day with no plan for our lives, or no idea where they want to be in 5 years or 10 years or in life. Some of us live each day as it comes, which is fine, of course. Now, I know very much that we can make all the plans we want and life has other plans for us. We don’t know whether we are going to live to see the next minute so, why plan? I understand that thinking as well. However,  I’m talking about a having vision, an end goal a dream and working towards that. I am very well aware that these can change as well, but I am just talking about having a VISION!

I get that many people may not know who they are at the moment, or what they want to do or are like me, figuring it out. However, throughout all my uncertainty, I have always had dreams. My dreams are big, wild and crazy. Heck, just the other day, I was called weird, but ok! At least, I have dreams that are fueling me and keeping me going. When I tell people I am busy, I am. I busy working towards making dreams happen.

The trick for me is, I break things down into smaller goals. Mind you, I do not have everything figured out, I know things will fall into place when the time is right and when the stars align. It’s all in His timing. For now, let me focus on the smaller goals that will amass the larger ones.

For example, I want at least 3 solid forms of income by the time I’m 30 years old. Is that possible? Yes? Am I working on it, Yes?  This is a financial goal, yes. However, this goal        (among others) will lead to be able to live the lifestyle that I dream of .

This is probably the most cliché questionof them all, but I am going to as it anyway: Where do you see yourself in the future? Think about this. Then, get as specific as you can. Write it all down and then like I said start breaking things down into smaller attainable  goals that you can work towards that will lead to the bigger goals. I know you’ve heard it all before, on numerous occasions  and probably from different people, but they arent wrong. Perhaps, a tad annoying…… but not wrong.

If you do not know what you want to do, passionately pursue everything that you ever wanted to be as a child. Passionately pursue it even if they do not work out, because  you are one step closer to finding what is it that you are meant to do.

Think about your life as a movie, how would you like the ending (of your life) to be ? Would you watch that movie? I am not calling death on anyone (as we say on Saba, remember I am an island girl, a Caribbean woman), I am not trying to be morbid either, I’m just being real and giving you questions to think about. Work backwards. Start with the end in mind!



6 Comments Add yours

  1. A small farm, near a river, with a very large pond, that my future wife and I run alone. We spend our time tending to the farm, living a quiet life, and amassing rare and impact knowledge to write about when not attending to reality. We die of old age, within days of each other.

    A farm wouldn’t be difficult to acquire, but the wife may be an impossibility. So, what I really have to ask myself is: “What will I do if the rest of my life is only spent looking for a wife, without ever finding one?”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s deep and beautiful. And if it is any consolation, what is meant to happen in your life, will happen, this includes finding a wife. Nothing is impossible. Thank you for sharing and I hope you stick around.


  2. Nice piece. Keep up the good work Sol. 🙂


  3. Cody J. Elms says:

    If only life were a movie. We could always reboot fuve years down the line if the last one flopped! Lol. But seriously, nice little read. It has be thinking today.


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