The Definition Of A #GirlBoss

The more I live and the more experiences I have along with the people I have encountered,  have helped me realize something very powerful about myself. I am a #GirlBoss. I hashtag the term “Girl Boss” in almost all of my recent Instagram posts, because I believe that I am a #GirlBoss. [Sidenote: If you want to see what I mean, please feel free to check out my Instagram @Theonlysol].

You see, I have always known I was meant for greatness, this is not cockiness, this is my truth. This is confidence in myself. I did not and still do not know what this greatness entails nor the magnitude but, it’s coming. I have always wanted to be in business, to some capacity. When the first attempt did not work, in my first study in International Business and Management Studies (which was one of my very first life lessons as a young adult), I got up and tried again. This time, down a different route (International Communications),.

I’ve loved Disney Princess movies for as long as I can remember, and I am very well aware that life is not a fairy tale; you make your own fairy tales. However, I have always thought of myself as royalty. Most recently, I have been more bold and vocal about this, where I spoken out about it in my blogs and with other like-minded people. Will I marry into a royal family? Only God knows that. However, I know that I do not have to marry into a family to be royal nor to have my own kingdom. If I am already a Queen (because I think of myself as such), I can build and rule own queendom, and rule in my own right!

The more I live, the more experiences I have, the more knowledge I acquire with the right people in my surroundings are teaching and preparing me for the role that I am to come into. I am more convinced now that ever before, that it is God’s hints and clues giving me this confirmation because, I feel it so strongly!

This may seem like I am rabbling, it may seem that like I am not making sense. On the contrary, for you to have an understanding of my definition of a #GirlBoss, you need to have an understanding of who I am. To me, a #GirlBoss is 😐

1 anyone girl that is working to become her own boss. She has goals, dreams and ideas. She bides her time- planning, watching, waiting, learning to make her moves, silently.  any woman that has her own company, who took the plunge, even if she was scared to death to make “it”happen for her. the head of her department, a fortune 500 company, her own company, head of her own home. a woman that is not afraid to ask for help, seek advice, be wrong and make mistakes to be better. 5 someone who knows herself, even if  not fully but she knows herself well enough to not accept, the negativity of people, nor the negative words people who try to label her as such. is respected and competes with herself, not anyone else. 7 She collaborates and supports!

This is my definition, this is my perception of what a #GirlBoss is. She is a fiercesome creature to behold. The more I live the more I feel like I am coming into my own….#GirlBoss.

What’s your definiton of a #GirlBoss? Do you agree with me? Share your thoughts with me.

Be Blessed,


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Great post! #GirlBoss!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much! What did you like about it?


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