Catch the sun, while you can. {Weekend Recap /w a message}

Hello Hello Hello!

Good Monday everyone! To those who are celebrating Halloween today, Happpyy Halloween!!!

This Monday’s message comes in the form a recap of my weekend. I had a glorious weekend! My Saturday was very  fun-filled- let me tell you! [Sidenote: If you are not following me on Snapchat: theonlysol, you need to. It  was all on there!]  I attended a TedxWomen event in Amsterdam at the Adanz Hotel, it is was fabulous! Sadly, I was very late due to public transportation issues and the directions I was I given was just bogus! As you could imagine, by the time I arrived at the event, I was a hot mess! I was in time for the main speaker, who spoke about Women Empowerment and Technology, giving young women,and women of all ages the tools and education to dominate the tech world and to become digitally literate. At the speed at which technology is advancing no one can afford to become obsolete. This event ended at 10:00am. Yes! I was supposed to be at the event for 8:30am and that didn’t happen . Let’s not forget to mention that I was hungry too(I didn’t have breakfast). No worries! I made the best out of my day.

The weather was absolutely fabulous, which made strolling through the Amsterdam streets on an empty stomach tad more tolerable.Luckily, I found a very nice café along Prinsengracht, the name of the café I cannot tell you, I’m sorry I was too hangry to concentrate. However, I did have a nice breakfast, while I basked in the morning sun. That was probably the best thing I did for myself in a while, I treated myself to breakfast in a café in Amsterdam, where I watched all the tourists walk by, drank my fresh mint tea, read a book and once satisfied, I  wrote in my prayer journal. It was greaaat!

After, I saw a friend and had a really great conversation about what’s happening in our lives, where we see ourselves in 10 years, how much weboth love Disney princess movies, with a glass of wine. It was fun. I then had to run to my next appointment, a work event of a family member; she works for a rather prestigious law firm. My expectations were most certainly met! ( Mind you, I had none for this event) Boyyy was I surprised! There were drinks on every floor, the food was fabulousss, I never tasted lamb so delish in my life, the pizza was divine, the lobster was to full of flavor and texture man oh mannnn!!

And to top off the whole evening, I did not have to take public transportion get home!  It was a fabulous day, but my feet hurt terribly!  One thing about Amsterdam, those streets call for some good supportive shoes. Heels and super flat ballerina slippers are not the best idea for  walking around Amsterdam, I need a foot massage…..siigghhh.

What happened on Sunday, nothing but movies and relaxation. What else could I need?!

What the take home for today’s message?  Make sure you take the time to enjoy your life, and do something that you enjoy! Get rejuvenated and then come back swinging! I spend a lot of time behind a laptop and not enough time  outside. This weekend was a great reminder!

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