There Once Was A Girl Who Did Not Like To Read…..

Good Morning Loves,

I hope you have been doing very well. You may have missed me last Friday, there was no blog post. My apologies, I was out enjoying the fresh air, and getting a new perspective. I tend to hold  myself hostage inside my home to work, seldom changing my environment . I know this is something I should do more often. I’m working on it. This week, I want to encourage you all, who may not be big fans of reading in general, to do so.

Growing up, I distinctly remember my mother nagging me to read the newspaper. She would say “Solange, why don’t you sit down, and read the news paper more? All you are doing is watching television!” Uhhh yeah, because television was more entertaining to me than a boring ol’ book!  I remember, every week my class and I would make trips to our local library because we  had to borrow books, and read them. Pfff! Hardly anyone read the books. It was just was not my thing; I was not interested in reading. That is not to say, that I did not occasionally read a book – I did, it just was not a routine.

It was only in college and university, that I realized the benefit and  importance of reading more, and following the news. My classmates would have interesting and deep conversations and I felt left out. I can tell you that I only allowed that to happen ONCE. However, honestly speaking, since leaving student life, I’ve relapsed. Once I actually start a book, I struggle to finish it. This is the truth.

What has pushed me to make a change and encourage me to read more is the fact that I want to build my own empire, and some of the tools I need  are in books, newspapers, on the news, in research journals,etc. The more my desire burns to be a girl boss, the more I realize that  I need to know more about managing my finances and making my  money work for me. I need to learn more about negotiating, keep up with developments in my, and other fields because they impact each other. These are my professional reasons, but I am reading more for pleasure as well as self-help, motivation and thrillers. Reading unleashes my already fertile imagination and helps me find solutions and spurs my creativity.

The more you read, the more your writing improves and the more you may surprise yourself that you are able to contribute to serious conversations and debates(if that is your style). You can read for pleasure, which I am very much enjoying, and you may HAVE to read for work-related purposes, which may or may not be pleasurable .

I want to encourage everyone to read more, because in this day and age you cannot afford to be ignorant. You cannot afford to just rely on hear-say or the opinions of others, reading (accompanied with doing the research)  helps you to form your  own opinions. I’m not preaching, I’m just saying.



2 Comments Add yours

  1. Nay says:

    I’m totally in agreement with you and read a lot at the moment. I am constantly reading non-fiction in order to better myself but also good quality fiction in order to improve my writing too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yessss!! Its so important nowaday! Reading has become something that I no longer feel like I need to do, but what I want to do!


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