Monday Motivation: There is really NO excuse!

Goooood Morning Loves!

It’s another Monday and a new month, October! For some, it means Halloween is around the corner. This also  also means that Thanksgiving is near and of course, the grandest holiday of them all, Christmas! To others, it’s just a new week, maybe even a birthday (Happy Birthday to all!). To others, it may mean nothing-it’s just a new week…..NONSENSE!

There’s 2 months left in 2016, which means the year is soon over. If you haven’t checked anything off of your 2016-to do list or if you haven’t begun to plan for 2017, there is still time! A long as you are breathing and living there is still an opportunity. As long as you still have your health, all your limbs and  a sound mind; there really is no excuse to NOTgo get your goals and dreams. Take your fear and turn it into something positive, face it head on. And with that being said, here’s what I suggest you do…..


FOCUS! If I am singing the same song aka giving the same message, it’s because I believe that we ALL (myself included) need a reminder to work hard towards our goals. Let’s face it, they do not materialize on their own, it takes some work!



For more, follow me on Social Media 🙂

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Twitter: @ThoughtsofSol

Instagram: @Theonlysol

Facebook: @ThoughtsofSol


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