Friday’s Reflections: Secretive or just cautious?


Am I too secretive?

Hello everyone! My apologies for not posting on Monday. If you are not following me on social media, please do. That’s where all my updates are shared.  As a consolation, enjoy this post.

Loves, I needed a day off. For the past few days, I was not feeling like myself. I have been in this weird mood that I cannot fully explain. There were moments of de-motivation mixed with some self-sabotage, and uncertainty. A potent mixture to be sure! I’m fine now because I am talking about it, and getting out of the house, which helps. I am not going to make this whole post about my feeling down, but about a thought I had about myself this week. Am I too secretive?

Now this question is not meant to infer that I’m hiding all kinds of information, or that I’ m trying to get into other people’s business and not share my own. It is, however, meant to explore the notion of sharing what is going on in my life, versus holding somethings back. I guess the real question is … How much is too much sharing?

I saw this meme on Instagram, courtesy of Carpe Diem Quotes that I very much agree with:


There is another saying that I completely agree with it that states:

Work hard in silence, let your success make the noise. 

My thought is, when you have great things going on in your life, or you are making moves, you are so excited that you want to share it with the world. I mostly feel like, don’t share until things are not set in stone, or don’t share yet until you have something to show.Sometimes I grapple with the thought of if I share too much, what I am working on won’t happen for whatever reason. Other times I feel like, I should share because, I am showing people that I am actually getting things done. A lot of the time I choose to give people a generic answer, and I know they are satisfied with that because I don’t want to say too much. I guess I am just trying to figure out what to say, without giving it all away.

Does anyone struggle with that, or found a good way to deal with it? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.


P.s. Don’t forget to follow me on Social Media to keep up with me:

Facebook: ThoughtsofSol




3 Comments Add yours

  1. happynfull says:

    “I don’t know why people are so keen to put the details of their private life in public; they forget that invisibility is a superpower.” – Banksy 🙂


    1. Good one! Mystery is indeed intriguing. Thanks for commenting!

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