Friday Reflections: Do you feel like an imposter?

Have I gotten your attention? Are you intrigued? Great!  Let’s get to this week’s reflection, shall we?

I was having a conversation the other day with a friend of mine, and I asked the question: Do you feel like you’re pretending to be something/someone that you are not? I expected a “Yes”, and that is what I received.

To be honest, I do too! There are days when I feel like am I pretending to be someone that I am not….yet. I suspect that everyone feels that way, or has felt that way at some point in their lives. Sometimes, I walk around like I am the most confident person on the planet, you cannot shake me. While on the inside, I have no clue what I’m doing.

Sometimes, I feel as though people expect me to have all the answers, or to give them these spectacular results and I’m like “Uhhhhhhhhhh, Hi?“. I’m just trying to figure things out like the rest of you. I did not devote 7 years of my life attending college and university for fun. I obtained a solid education. Time to start using it, right? I think I am. I am strategically using my media and journalism skills to communicate with audiences across the globe. I will also be employing my acquired knowledge in upcoming projects. I am learning as I go.

Perhaps, I am afraid that people will look at me as a fraud, “She has all of that education, but knows nothing!” To be sure,  it’s very daunting, but then I say to myself:

“Woman, snap out of it! You’re young and hungry for knowledge, wisdom, experience and growth. You are fresh out of university and the world is at your feet.  Stop projecting what you think others may be saying about you, onto yourself! Just be yourself, be you, do you!”

Loves, don’t feel like a fraud. Don’t fake it, until you make it. Fake it until you become it. The more exposure, experiences and learning moments you have, the less you will feel like this. At least, this is what I think.

What about you? Do you feel like an imposter sometimes? How do/ did deal with it? Talk to me.



2 Comments Add yours

  1. Sue-Jeen Janga says:

    I can understand how you feel. Sometimes I also have the same feeling but like you said “Fake it until you make it while still keeping my eyes on the prize”. Even though we may not think we are and doing what we want we are inspiring and motivating others as imposters :).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Exactly! We just need to keep on going and eventually we won’t have to fake it

    Liked by 1 person

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