Monday Mornings: Self-improvement is life improvement.

Hi Loves!

For this Monday’s motivation message, I am speaking about trying new things.

Trying new things can be very exciting! It can also be nerve-wracking; it just depends on your perspective. I believe that routine, in certain cases, creates structure, consistency and if done well efficiency. If done really well, effectiveness as well.  Likewisewell, I believe that routine, or doing what you have always done, can become mundane, predictable and boring, especially if you are looking for new results. Then, this saying comes to mind ”if you keep doing what you’re doing, you will keep getting what you’ve been getting”. So time to shake things up! Bring out the maracas, turn on the salsa music or the Soca music, if you are from the Caribbean like me and let’s go!

Trying new things, that will improve yourself in my opinion is right on track with improving your life. Why? I feel it will open you up to new experiences, people and opportunities. By learning a new language, wMonday morning: Self-improvement is life improvement
Trying new things can be very exciting! It can also be nerve-wracking; it’s however you want to look at it. I believe that routine, certain cases, creates structure, consistency and if done well efficiency and if really done well, effectiveness as well.  On the other hand as well, I believe that routine, or doing what you have always done, becomes mundane, predictable and boring, especially if you are looking for new results or great results. Then, this saying comes to mind ”if you keep doing what you’re doing, you will keep getting what you’re getting”. So time to shake things up! Bring out the maracas, the salsa music or the Soca music, if you are from the Caribbean like me and let’s go!
Trying new things, that will improve yourself in my opinion is right on track with improving your life. Why? I feel it will open you up to a new experiences, people and opportunities. Learning a new language, will not only make you more marketable in the labor market, but allow you to communicate, think and operate in another language. By taking a Salsa class, you will burn calories, learn to dance and hopefully be less awkward on the dance floor which will lead to you getting more dance partners. Wepaaaaa! Esooooo!
Perhaps, doing less of something that never brought value, or fulfillment to your life may be something to try as well. Make more time to try something that you always wanted to experience, to add value to your life.  It can be anything, really!
Do you always stay at home and complain that you have no friends? Perhaps, you have a list of things you alawys wanted to do or try – your “Bucket List” or “Try Me List” , a hobby list you never got around to. Now’s the time!
It takes courage to try even the smallest things, much less something new and possibly scary. However, you will never know whether something is truly for you, whether you like it or if you have really improved yourself, if you first do not try. Take a small, but significant step and just try (and not halfheartedly either, but some effort into it).



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