Monday Mornings: Stay focused! You never know who is watching.


Good (Mon)day everyone! This Monday’s Mornning Motivation is a continuation of last week’s Friday’s Reflection post.

Last Friday, I reflected (just a little) on what I learned throughout that week. I want to share something with you that will make total sense, concerning the title of Today’s message!

You never know who is watching you. I am not saying this as in a creepy, misuse of privacy settings way. Good Griefff, no! No breach of privacy here. No stalking business of that nature either. I am referring to the spectators, a particular kind. Those that can possibly help elevate you to another dimension in your life and career.  Those spectators the are least expected and come out of nowhere!

Some months ago, I attended a project management workshop that was being given for free. (Tip: You should always take advantage of such opportunities.) So, I hightailed it over there, because I recognized an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about a skill that is very sought after and an opportunity to network. I was there front and center.

I listened, took notes, asked questions, Oh, yes! I had questions and at the end, I tried my best to speak to as many people as possible and I left. Not too long after attending the workshop, the expert, who gave the workshop, sent me a Facebook friend request, and every now and again he would like some of my content. Ok, fine, not big deal, right?

[Side note: This is something I am learning to do, is how to work my contacts once I have made them, no one tells how exactly to do that, so it’s something you have to figure out on your own and then take charge with.]

Months later, here I am blogging, preparing for a new week of blog posts and chasing dreams and I get a message. A lovely and polite Facebook message inviting me to have a talk about a possible project. My feedback was requested in person, so I could be explained the background of the idea, the plans on paper so far, and my thoughts and future moves. YOU DARN SKIPPY I WENT TO THAT MEETING! How does Wednesday 2pm sounds to you? Great! Meeting confirmed!  Can I just say; Whaaaaaaaattt?! This came out of the blue for me, an opportunity and I jumped! Of course, I did as much due-diligence as I could and I went to the meeting, looking and feeling like I was ready to do business.Tip: When you look good, you feel good!  #GIRLBOSS

Unfortunately, I prefer not to disclose the nature of this conversation at this point, I hope you all understand. However, I can give you the highlight of it. What truly struck me throughout our conversation, was that, He remembered me.  He remembered me, befriended me, observed me, researched me and then reached out to me for a project that I believe will be something that could fantastic for my career and a cause that I truly care about.

What got to me, was that I felt like I was enough, and that someone is possible giving me a chance to gain some awesome real life business experience, to learn, to be a part of the mix that is soo key. What got to me was that God had to be in the mix, I know he is working on my side and in my favour.  It helped me realize that, you never know who is watching you, and what opportunities can be brewing and coming your way that you have no clue about.

The take home? Keep grinding, keep hustling, stay hungry, someone is watching you, who may have an opportunity for. Also,  stay true to you and make sure that you are presenting and presenting yourself how you want to be seen.

God is working hard in your favour  and you need to stay focused, on what your doing and stay positive. It’s hard but if you stay the coarse, you will start to see that change.



P.s Lookout for a special: ‘Get to know me a better’ post this Wednesday at 1pm CEST!

10 Comments Add yours

  1. fromdreamtoplan says:

    Hi Solange! Happy to have found your blog! I love the layout, the style the content…everything! I’ve read some of your posts and I can’t wait to read more! Looking forward to following you 🙂

    Lisa |


    1. Ohhh Thank you so much! I will be sure to have a look at your blog as well! Thanks for stopping by.


      1. fromdreamtoplan says:

        My pleasure! Oh thank you, so nice of you! 🙂


      2. May I ask how’d you find my blog?


  2. Jen says:

    This is awesome Sol; some things are “meant” to be – I truly believe that, thanks for the reminder!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! I will have a look at yours as well.


  3. Abby says:

    This is a truly inspirational post. There are days when I feel down because I feel like my effort is not paying off. But it is good to know that we can reap the benefits in due time.

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know exactly what you mean. Some days I feel as hard as I do try, that no one hears, sees or cares. However, that not the case, we just have to remember why we are doing it and keep on pushing! Have a great! Thanks for stopping by!


  4. ellhamm says:

    This is such a beautiful site.I really love it and glad i found it today


    1. Hayyy!! Thank youu! Today’s blog should be live later today as well. I’m glad you like my blog, please follow.


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