#MondayMotivation: I’m NOT sorry.

Hi Loves,

Happy Monday to ya!
Instagram is one of those places I frequent to get some inspiration. So, I am sharing this line that I found with you.

This line is resonates deeply with me because, I am currently moving out of my own confort zones. I am learning to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. This is where my resilience and endurance to weather the storms come from. I am learning how to withstand the rain, and other people may not want to. Therefore, you doing the same, may make the people you eventually  must leave behind, uncomfortable. Uncomfortable to the point where they may ask you to stop growing for their own comfort.

This Monday, do 2 things:

1. Repeat this phrase to yourself over and over until you feel it. Repeat it until you believe it.

2. Do NOT allow anyone to make you feel guilty about it.
If you are not evolving and changing for the better, you are not growing, maturing or living, for that matter. Never allow anyone to stop you from growing or make you feel bad about doing it.
With that being said, enjoy your week!



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