Monday Motivation: It’s not THAT serious

Good Morning Loves!

If your weekend was anything like mine, then it was eventful and well spent. As I mentioned in Friday’s post, it was my birthday and Carnival weekend here in Rotterdam. SO, my weekend was fabulous!! I’m tired but I am very happy and very contented. My weekend was a combination of dancing, volunteering, socializing and having a FABULOUS TIME! It cannot get any better than that. I feel so blessed.

As this new week begins and I reflect on the past week, a few lessons come to mind.

  • You NEED to enjoy and make the best of EACH day.

Make an effort to enjoy and to also find the joy of each day. My past week ( my birthday and carnival weekend) has taught this to me. Enjoy everything because the current events that have been taking place in the world are SHOUTING “Life is too short and you need to enjoy everything!!”, which is what I did!

  • There is NO NEED to be upset with people for too long.

Situations will present themselves, events will occur that you will not be pleased with, people will disappoint, expectations will not materialize into reality and this is what I learned in the past week. Whatever happens, allow yourself the time to go through your  emotions ( for however long that YOU feel comfortable with) and then ‘Let it go’ ( like Elsa from Frozen). Just release it!  Why give yourself an ulcer for someone or something who does not care, anyway?

What’s the take home message this week? Simple. Do not take things too seriously, and make an effort to find joy in each day and you may wonder why? Let’s say it all together..”Life is too SHORT!”


Many blessings,



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