Monday Mornings: A route to happiness

It is the very last week of July and we are moving into a new month. Hello August! This is not to alarm or worry you. This is to wake you up. If you have been gliding or sleeping through 2016, you no longer have that luxury. It is a new week and it is time to Carpe Diem, all day, everyday!

Do not see Monday as the enemy, see her as a blessing, where you are fortunate enough to have another chance to get up, get out and conquer.

If you are not happy where you are in life, see each day, (not just MONDAY) as an opportunity to work towards your happiness. Life is toooo short to be unhappy and  Monday’s are not your enemy!

What is  your enemy ? A negative outlook on your current situation. It all starts and begins with Y-O-U and Y-O-U-R mindset. Think about it.

Carpe Diem,

(Drops mic and  walks away)


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