#MondayMotivation: There’s enough for everyone.

Goooood Morninggggggg!

It is another week which means more opportunities to demolish obstacles, conquer dreams and set new goals.

This past week, I reached out to a fellow blogger/vlogger to collaborate on an idea that I had (,which is currently under development) and I shared the news of this collaboration with a family member. I explained my idea and why I choose to include someone else. My family member explained to me that by reaching out, and the reasoning behind it, was me practicing something called, Abundance thinking or having an Abundance mentality.

What did I do?

I choose to collaborate with another like-minded individual to bring forth an idea that  truly relates to both parties with the purpose of sharing our message to the masses. I basically looked at the bigger picture and realized that by myself, at this moment, my message would only reach so far. However, by working with someone else, organically we can reach a wider audience. I choose to collaborate rather than to compete. Personally, I think by having this kind of Abundance mindset and practicing it is one of the major keys (Dj Khaled voice) to success.

I got a better understanding about this topic from this article from Success.com ,which gives a very good explanation of the Scarcity and Abundance Mentality. I encourage you all to take a gander at this article and see where this can apply to you and test it out. See what the outcome is and tell me about.

Are you familiar with  these terms? Do you agree with this Scarcity vs. Abundance way of thinking?  Do you see this affecting your success to some capacity? If so, how?

Tell me about it in the comments section below.

Have great Monday!



There is enough quiche for everyone, but we can acquire more slices together.

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