Monday Mornings

Goood (Mon)day everyone!

I saw the below quote on Instagram the other day, (follow me @Theonlysol) and I thought, ‘How very fitting!’.  I’ve made references to being held  hostage by fear a few times before (click here for a reminder) and this quote reminded me of that.



We have to pursue what we want fearlessly and ferociously. Sometimes, I think we (myself included) are afraid of what we can become, so we stand still. The problem what that  is, we then become what we never intended to be, which is worse. So, this glorious Monday morning, this brand new week, even if you don’t feel like it, even if you feel like giving up, DON’T!

Not everyone’s path is the same, yours may be different and may need a little more courage! However, if you want it, you will find that courage to overcome the fear then go the extra miles to get it!

Blessings, upon blessings


P.s If you need a little more courage, you can always power pose before doing something scary, see if that helps.  It sounds silly standing like a superhero for a few seconds before you feel powerful, but it helps.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. StephJ says:

    “We have to pursue what we want fearlessly and ferociously. ”

    This is so true! Happy Monday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hayyy!! Happy Monday! Have a great week ahead!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Leslie says:

    Happy Monday to you as well!


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