

As you mature into a man or a woman, you quickly realize the kind of “grown-up” decisions you have to make concerning your future. By grown-up, I am not referring to what I should have for lunch or what to wear for the day, but  more questions like,”should I work for someone else, or work for myself? Should I start my career in this industry or should I do something entirely different?  Do I start paying taxes? When do I  buy a home? Have I began good financial saving habits to ensure that I am in a healthy financial situation?” Lord. Have. Mercy. Are you ready for that? I vividly remember being a teenager (,which wasn’t so long ago) and  desperately wanting to be a grown-up. Ahhhh, the smell and taste of freedom, independence and everything great. Pfff, another piece of advice I would arm my younger self with, don’t wish to  be grown-up too quickly. Life as child is not soo bad.

I’ve always heard from numerous folks that “ Life is all about decisions.” It’s about destiny too; whatever is meant to happen will eventually happen however, decisions play a LARGE role. We all know (at least I hope everyone knows) what decisions are. They differ with regards to size and severity, but what all decisions have in common are the consequences that are attached with them, a positive or negative outcome. They can predicted  to a certain degree and event anticipated however, there is a level of uncertainty that comes with making decisions that give many of us anxiety. The ambiguity is deafening, killing even for many. For many of us, making a decision incurs gathering all information available to make decisions with the least amount of uncertainty. Basically, avoiding uncertainty at all costs, also known as  Uncertainty Avoidance. For our benefit, we don’t know what the future holds, which is frightening for many (myself included  yet exciting) when it comes to decisions and their results. We can only hope the decisions we make are the right ones. We can only hope.


I’m making decisions right now that I hope I won’t regret. I hope that the decisions I’ve made will work in my favour. It’s scary! It’s scary to think that something you’ve decided to do or not to do could be the wrong decision ( or later on the right one, but you dont know that in the moment). It’s a risk!  It’s a risk that you have to take. A funny thing about taking risks is that at one (or several) points during our lives, we have to take them. It’s going to happen, by will or force.

Some of my grown-up decisions are happening as we speak and its terrifying. However, if there is one lesson that I am learning (and I am repeatedly reminded of is) the longer I live in this world, is that sometimes, you have to do things scared. Sometimes, you have to make decisions scared! And even if, you’ve done all the research and spoken to all the people, that doesnt mean your not nervous about it or scaared what the outcome will be. If you  ponder about it for a while you can see that fear will hold you hostage, deter you from thinking clearly in important situations and stop you from achieving your destiny. Fear can kill you and I don’t have time for that!

Decisions, big ones, serious ones can be scary, but it shouldn’t stop you. Don’t let it.


Happy and blessed Friday,


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Lusandra says:

    Awesome, simply awesome work!
    Keep on, keeping on!


  2. Decisions can certainly be scary but do not cower from them. In my opinion they are there to make life more meaningful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree. I believe that they challenge you or even force to make a move.


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