Suprise! My first feature.

Here’s a treat for your mid-week hump! I got my first feature, ever!  How KOOL IS THAT?! And yes, I spell cool with a K. As you may or may not know, I am from a small but extremely beautiful island in the Dutch Caribbean named, Saba. I’m an island girl! Just recently, I was…

Monday Mornings

Goood (Mon)day everyone! I saw the below quote on Instagram the other day, (follow me @Theonlysol) and I thought, ‘How very fitting!’.  I’ve made references to being held  hostage by fear a few times before (click here for a reminder) and this quote reminded me of that. . We have to pursue what we want fearlessly and…

Having it all….and then some

What do you want in life?  What does “having it all” mean to you? Do you even want it all? I do. That has not changed. So, what does “having it all” mean to me? As you can guess, it’s the great career, the houses, family, husband, an empire and of course to be happy….

Be Fabulous

Originally posted on K E Garland:
Today’s Other People’s Quote comes from a blog that I’ve recently begun to follow: Unique Footprints. Trina’s inspirational blog is a combination of school counselor thoughts, marriage stories and quotes. Go check her out and be inspired!


  Over the weekend,  I watched a recent conversation between my new good girlfriend in my head, the FLOTUS, Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey at The  United States of Women Conference. During thier conversation, Mrs.Obama dropped some serious knowledge gems that I think all women (and men), can learn from. I’m going to share what I took…


Plain.Out.Scary. As you mature into a man or a woman, you quickly realize the kind of “grown-up” decisions you have to make concerning your future. By grown-up, I am not referring to what I should have for lunch or what to wear for the day, but  more questions like,”should I work for someone else, or work…

Weekend Lessons

Writing today’s post had me in a bit of a pickle (English saying for “I had small problem”). I didn’t know what to write about. Honestly. If you follow me on any of my Social Media, you would of seen the announcement along with a mini explanation behind the delay of today’s post. I had…


I often tell people in  current my age bracket: “Had I known then, at 17, what I know now being on the other end of the degree accomplishment spectrum, I would of equipped my younger self with this wisdom”. If I had the opportunity to advise my younger self, I would do it.  Then, I…

Today, I am……

  Good dayyyyy fabulous people! Good day! I don’t want state the obvious, but it IS a new week and that means different things for everyone. I may not know who many of you are and I don’t know how you see yourself. I don’t know how you talk to yourself or about yourself to others; I…

That’s not MY business

Happy Friday !!! Now let’s get to it, shall we? I was having a conversation the other day with a good good friend of mine about a number of things. I really don’t remember what exactly we were speaking about or how we go to the this topic,but I do remember her mentioning that  in…