Ran out of steam

So, I’ve been gone for a while, as you may have noticed. It is as if I preformed a disappearing act from blogging of some sorts. Why? It is mainly because I have run out of topics, ideas and themes to talk about. Like the warm beverage in the photo above, the steam is slowly fading; it is simply indicating that the beverage will eventually turn cold.  That is me at the moment. And the difference  between the cup of warmth and myself is that my  I am cold, right now.  Temporarily.

Now, I have been getting some ideas, but I have not had the zest or zeal to continue developing them. I loose interest along the way. Therefore,  I self-diagnosed myself. with something called a creative roadblock .a.k.a writer’s block, I just jazzed it up a tad. Nonetheless, I need to  take a step back  and get some fresh air, perspective and ideas then  come back, full force. Therefore, I am on a creative break. It will not be indefinitely,  but I’m giving my creative break another week. And, I will be back  [Insert Arnold’s voice here] !

On a more positive note, the sun is shining and the weather is fab over here where I am. That always gives me energy and lifts my mood.

In the mean time, follow me on  my Social Media: Twitter: @ThoughtsOfSol , Snapchat: @TheOnlySol and  Instagram: @TheOnlySol to keep up with me.

I draw inspiration from everywhere, you might just be it!



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