#MotivationMonday: You are (beautiful) enough!

Good Morning! Gooood Morning! Goooood Morning! I hope  you are looking  fabulous and feeling loved today! This quote gets down into my spirit and deep into my soul.




Some days, as women (and even the gentlemen), we feel like we are not (beautiful) enough. We are not pretty, attractive or cute enough. We constantly pick apart every inch of our perceived bodily imperfections and compare them to the “perfection” or the beauty of another person.  We all do it. Have you been on instagram lately?

We let society and the media  manipulate, pressure and dictate to us what the desired standard of beauty is. And we fall for it. In the past, I have fallen victim to it. We try to attain whatever unrealistic or “desired” beauty that is now in trend, where we neglect and reject  our own unique beauty.

As I glow up and develop into the woman I am meant to be.  I am  continously appreciating my God-given looks. I didn’t do it very much in my formative years, those very crucial teenage years, when everything matters on a much larger scale. However, I have come to realize that, although another woman may be in society’s opinion “prettier” than I am, it does not make me any less (physically) beautiful than her.

[SIDE NOTE: If you were to approach me and tell that I am “unattractive”, this would be my reply:

The devil is a lair! There is nothing unattactive about me, physically or mentally. God does not make junk and  I REFUSE to believe that I am “unattractive”. Point. Blank. Period.]

Let’s not forget that:

Beauty is only skin deep.

This means that we cannot solely rely on the asthetics of one’s exterior. We cannot solely rely on some’s  looks to determine if they are a beautiful person. Those are physical and carnal attractions speaking to you.We have to (also) develop our character.

Let’s not forget that a lovely character does not fade as easily as someone’s attractive exterior. When those great looks are gone, then what? What now? #ThinkAboutIt

Never discredit or disregard your beauty (inside or out)! You were made to perfection! You are ABSOLUTELY beautiful.



Have a fabulous week!



2 Comments Add yours

  1. Carol Miranda says:

    Love this entry! Great job and I look forward to reading many more. – Carol M


    1. Thank you Carol! I’m always happy to have your support.


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