3 reasons to document your accomplishments


It’s #Mondayyyy! Aren’t you hyped? I am. This  is why!

What I’ve decided to do for this year is to make it a point to document every amazing thing that has happened to me! ( I’ve already began writing down the events in my  organizer.) No matter the size, BIG or small, I am going to document them and place them in a jar ( I will keep you updated). Then, at the end of 2016, I am going to review everything that has happened:  What did I accomplish?

Why have I decided to do this? Three reasons:

  1. As a reminder of everything that was accomplished throughout the year.  Sometimes we forget or discount some of our accomplishments because they did not happened on the  grand scale we wanted them to. However,  accomplishments large or small should be celebrated, You’ve made progress. Celebrate it!
  2. As a measurement tactic. This is a continuation of the previous point. Indeed it is a good idea to write down all you achievements throughout the year! It is also important to review them with your list of goals or your vision board to really  see what you have accomplished. This way you can gauge, where need more attention and more effort for the following year. What is also imperative (to me at least) is to notice how present you were in those moments!! I think that is an indication that you have become more aware of yourself and have grown in realizing and identifying the little things, the little victories. This where you truly see your growth.  Personally, I hope that at the end of 2016, when I review my achievements, one  of them will be that I was present in the moments. I recognized a moment and I took the time to stop and revel in it, that  I learned from it  and ultimately grew from it.
  3. Renewed motivation.  Whatever you may not have achieved this year, for whatever reason, refocus and go full force the following year. Add it to your new list of goals and keep it moving, honey!

How’s this for some #MondayMotivation?




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