Keeping the Faith: The 4 ways I do it

Just Take things one day at a time (1)

Last night, as I was writing in my book of possibilities, where everything is possible, might I add. I was writing prayers, thoughts, frustrations and even drawing figures. I was letting my mind run a muck all over my journal. It was like I was documenting a frustration, which in fact is exactly what I am doing right now. Then, I decided two seconds ago, literally 2 SECONDS ago, that I would write about keeping the faith. Keeping the faith during the hard times, to be precise.

It’s hard to do. It really is. It’s easy to get frustrated, disappointed, think negatively, to worry, to be sad, down and out. It’s so EASY! But, the challenge is now on the opposite side of the spectrum. It’s being positive, keeping the faith, not giving up, looking on the bright side, keeping a positive outlook on things, encouraging yourself, knowing that all will be well in due time. That- my friends is the hard part. And that- my friends is what I struggle with. Keeping the faith. It’s very easy for me to encourage others and while speaking to them, a voice in my head is telling me, “You should practice what you preach!” Then, I tell the person whom I am trying to cheer up, “I’m also saying this so I can hear it for myself. So, I can practice, what I preach.”

[Disclaimer: I’m not trying to preach to anyone, convert anyone, or force any religious belief on a single soul. I am just sharing with you a smidgen of my life’s conversation with the key people in my life. ]

I spoke to my mother the other day and I told her that I am realizing that, it is hard to keep the faith. She told me, as any mother who fiercely believes in the goodness of God, to ask him to strengthen my faith. I love that woman!  She is right, as all mothers are at a very large per cent of the time. However, to be honest, I feel as though this is all part of life. You get weak and vulnerable and that’s when you are most susceptible to all the negative thoughts that bring you down.  Keeping the faith is no easy task, at least for me. However, here is how I am trying to cope.

  1. Believe in yourself.

Believe that you are worthy of the blessings that are coming your way. Furthermore, believe that you are destined for greatness. Your break is coming, it could be a phone call away. It could be around the corner. You just need to believe.

  1. Think positively.

Yes, Solange! How very cliché, think positively. In all honesty, it is the DAMNED TRUTH. It’s a mental battle that we go through every day. And the best way to win, it is to think positively. Start small. Tell yourself, you are smart and then rationalize it.  For example, I tell myself all the time “Solange, you are not just smart, you are insanely intelligent! Why? Because, you made it this far, you’ve attained 2 degrees, people come to you for advice, you are great!” I don’t know about you, but that makes me feel better!

  1. Speak positively, your words have power!

Now, I have always heard this in the biblical sense, “The power of life and death, is in the tongue.”This means, be careful with what you say about yourself, because you are unconsciously speaking this into your future, and it will manifest itself to be true. By always sharing and saying positive things about yourself, you send it out into the universe and it will come back to you some way, somehow. For example, I have been saying “I am going to be an excellent wife and mother one day!” Then I go on to say: “Hell, I going to be a snatched (my word for healthy and fit) and sexy mother too!” “I am going to be successful, I feel it in my spirit!” I mean, Come on! How can you not feel good about that!! And let’s face it, when you start to say these things they unconsciously and subconsciously become a part of you! You begin to work toward what you always said!

  1. Remember God is in the midst

Lastly, I sincerely believe that a key aspect in keeping the faith is to remember that God is in the midst of everything. Maybe something didn’t go too well, job application or whatever, did not work out! Don’t get disappointed, thank the Lord for it because that could be Him ( or the universe, whoever you believe in 🙂 ) interfering on your behalf. Perhaps, protecting you from something that was detrimental to your well being.

I don’t know about you, but I feel better for letting this all out and speaking to you all. I hope I am helping someone by me sharing all my thoughts and frustrations  and how I am coping. Maybe you can identify?  Let me know.

Oh! Before I go, Happy Monday and just remember its a new chance to get things done: So, remember the following:


Love and Blessings,


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Ananya Aishwarya says:

    nice piece…great writing !!!

    check out my blogs too, n follow plz..

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