How is it to work, when you don’t have work?-Part II

Your time , is NOT (2)

My volunteering is teaching me a lot.  But,  let’s be clear  about something. You may have a degree but without experience, it is still difficult and without connections or should I say the right connections, it can be more difficult to find employment.  In my team, in my 3 person team, I have the most degrees, but the others have more experience. More technical, digital and design;  things that are needed and  certainly in demand right now. And I’m realizing that it doesn’t not make sense to run and shy away from it,.” It” being  the technological side of my field, but embrace it and try and learn  a few things to help me build myself and CV.  I am learning  really, what a “can- do attitude “ really means . It means that when you don’t have the things you need, be it the information, the materials and the like, you find a solution or an alternative. You don’t simply sit and say: “ Well, we don’t have the videos, so we can’t post on Facebook and Twitter today!” Nooo,. You say: “Okay,  we don’t have the videos, we can’t do much about that, but we can find something else to post” It’s being  flexibile as well.

I’ve also learned that, you have to think on a  broader scale, it’s very easy to get caught up or have a narrow view of a situation, you need to think broader, you need to think of the later as well. For example. Ask yourself this question,  “Self,  what impact do you want to leave behind when you have completed this project? How do you want the project to run if you’re not there anymore? “ These are excellent questions to ask yourself, to train yourself to work in a professional environment,  Aside from  this, I’m working with some really nice people and, I am learning from them . I never expected to work with some great people. This one guy in particularly, Lem, he is a case by himself but he always seems to hit the nail on the head when it comes to me,  and by that I mean. He encourages me and complements me on areas that I’m not even aware of. Again, I realize that I am too hard on myself, because at times I feel as though I’m not contributing enough or I’m not doing enough, but then I realize, we have different skill sets. This is another lesson, you shouldn’t compare yourself to another because, you are different people. You can observe them and try to take some of the things they do that appeals  and benefits you, then apply and adjust it to yourself.

Lastly, in my time of unemployment, I am also realizing that it is hard to keep the faith , if it is weak. And I am going to be honest, mine is.  It easy to feel down, especially when you apply and no one answers. You place your CV on online recruitment agency websites and you get no callbacks.  LOL, you even wish that when the phone does ring it’s a a company calling you for a job.  Keeping the faith is hard, especially when you psychotic voices  keep telling you all these negative things and you beat yourself up over the regret and guilt you feel, and the stress as well.  But, I will tell you one thing, I am not going to give up. I can’t. I’ll admit, I’M AFRAID! I don’t know what will happen, hell, no one does LOL, but I CANNOT GIVE UP. Want someone truth juice? Today, I actually wanted someone to feel sorry for me? But then,  a voice in my head said, ”You better stop that foolishness!” It’s a roller coaster, Life is a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs. Annd what I’m learning is that everything is in God’s time.  God’s time is not my time! Working, when I’m not working is teaching me some things and I like it!

Your time , is NOT



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