How it is to work, when you don’t have work ? Part I

When you Volunteer, (1)

So, I’m currently unemployed. I’ve been unemployed for 3-going on 4 weeks and I’ve just recently graduated. Howeverrr, I am working with a great set of people for this event called, The Pearls of the Dutch Caribbean Gala. It’s the organization’s 4th annual event. What is #DCPearls about? Well, to summarize briefly, its an organization that  acknowledges and celebrates persons from the islands of the Dutch Caribbean (I am an island woman, as I have mentioned before 😉 ) that have thrived and strived, here, in the Netherlands. They celebrate people whom have done/or doing exceedingly and exceptionally well in different areas. DC pearls celebrates the DC community. Having just given them some free publicity LOL, I am a volunteer for the their gala. I am a Social Media Champion, member of the 3 person communications team, where that team is part of bigger team. SO technically, I am working, but not really working.

My role right now mainly entails creating the social media plan of the event with another member of the 3 persons  communications team, and implementing the media plan. When I applied for the position, I immediately thought “Well Solange, this would certainly boost your CV, and you would most CERTAINLY  utilize your brand spankin’new degree”. Strangely, I had not given remuneration any thought. What’s more, is that I also forgot that I too was nominated for one of the awards, the Student Award. I am the only person from my island, Saba ,at this time in the DC community, in the Netherlands that was achieved a Master’s degree ;). So, I think an award is warranted LOL!

Seeing that I could not be a nominee and a member of the team, as it is seen as a conflict of interest, I had a decision to make. Was it hard? No. I forfeited my nomination to be a part of the team. Am I crazy for forfeiting? Maybe, but I look at things differently. I rationalize differently. My focus was not on the award but on the work, on the process ;the journey of gaining experience that I can use to become gainfully employed. My focus is on the bigger picture, so to speak. Please, do not misunderstand what I am saying, I am honoured to have been nominated, and I may have had a great chance at winning, but my instinct, my intuition was too strong to ignore. So, I listened. I’m not saying winning an award would not of been great and looked wonderful on my CV (or resume). But right now, its about that work, the process, the journey. The accolades can come later, and I’m certain they will.  I think I’ve taught myself a lesson here:  Can you see it too?  Tell me down below.

“Don't worry, just take things one day at (1)



P.S Stay tuned for Part II

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Juane says:

    Way to go Sol. I am very proud of you to know you have taken this step. Being a voluntair you learn alot, speaking from my experience. Keep the faith. God bless.


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