Pressure and your 20’s!

“Don't worry, just take things one day atHave you succumbed to pressure lately?  Is someone or a situation putting pressure on you? Orrrrrrrrrrrrrr are you placing pressure on yourself?

Well, I’ve come to realize that I have placed an immense amount of pressure on myself. I didn’t figure this out on my own, this came about with the help of a new, very smart and insightful friend. Sometimes it takes a complete stranger (now friend) to help you realize something about yourself. I was/am placing myself under loads of pressure. Why? Because, I have very high expectations and standards for myself. Also, I’ve worked continuously on my master’s thesis for months and now that it’s all finally over, I look up and I don’t know what to do with myself and where to go from here.

Yes, the idea is to find work, but I realize that I don’t have a clear idea of the industry I want to work in or companies. It’s been 3 weeks since I graduated and it feels like 3 months (I’m exaggerating, of course). I’m going to be honest, I’m HAAARRD on myself. I beat myself up over not taking or seeing the opportunities that have been presented to me prior because in the greater scheme of things, I now see the purpose.  After a while, I realized how saying “yes!” to certain opportunities, would of greatly benefitted me and helped in the present and future. #WeLearnAsWeLive #FearCanBeCrippling

Don’t worry, I am not going to succumb to my own pressure. I am not going to let it swallow me up. That’s how mental breakdowns, burnouts and maybe even depression start ( I rebuke all of that!). I lost enough hair during my thesis period. LOL, I can kind of laugh about this now.  I just need to give myself time, a break to figure things out. This is my journey. I’m 3 weeks post graduation and I’m sweating and stressing over not having as job as yet. But, it could be that I need this time to get clear about what it is that I want before I can truly begin that serious search for work, a career, that will be the stepping stone to my destiny, my greatness .

I think it’s so true, we worry so much, especially in my age group, the 20- something year olds because we don’t know who we are YET! This whole being in your 20’s business is no joke!  I say it LOUDLY and PROUDLY! Why? You don’t know who you are yet, and like teenagers LOL, everything is a big deal! I’m sorry to say it, but it’s true. In fact, I found comfort in this mini clip from who? Good ol’Oprah Winfrey.

As I end this blog,  and I look outside my open window, and I see a rainbow. I remembered that after the rain, the sun comes out and sometimes there is rainbow: BETTER DAYS ARE COMING AND THEY MIGHT BE HERE SOONER THAN YOU THINK! Remember that!



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