Bear with me


Hello Loves,

I have been absent which thus means that I have been inconsistent. Therefore, why should you follow me or even listen to what I have to say or care? Welll, like I mentioned before, I am in this “weird” place in my life, I’m not sure if I can even call it, Limbo. But I am in a place of transition, and I  am honestly trying to figure this stage of my life out. I  am instinctively trying to figure out which direction to go in, what moves to make regarding locating what my passion is and how I can make that, my passion my career.

Lately, I’ve been on this  journey, a journey of figuring out who I am. I’ve taken the liberty of asking my parents what they remember about me the most when I was a child. Why? Because, I want to go back into my personal history, my personal archeology to discover clues, hints, pieces to a puzzle that is myself. I wanted to see if they could help me identify what it is I  am here on this earth to do.  I got answers like, you were wanted to be a princess (Great, like all little girls. LOL). Apparently, I even added it in my name lol; Solange _____, ______ Princess Williams. Then,  I got I was bossy; I had a tendency to boss around my other cousins. Lastly, I liked to write. I do remember being placed in a creative writing class in high school, It was headed by a member of the Living Water Communitity, Brother Clayton. I remember writing stories. This one in particularly, was about a Magic-cup of milk! I also, have memories about writing a story about a princess and my dad coming to see it, when I was in primary school, we invited our parents to come see and read them, my dad came. I was so happy.

-#13 Revisions Sarah tiff

I’m beginning to realize that, I have trouble with letting things go, not in the sense of a grudge, but relaxing. Slowing down my brain and relaxing. I’m preoccupied with worries and what other people are telling me , what they think I should do. And I know they are only telling me this out of the goodness of their heart but sometimes it does not help. I see others posting on Facebook and LinkedIn the jobs they gotten and I am like,”What about me!?” , But I have to be happy for those people, because their journey is not mine, nor is there pain and process. I am realizing that I have to give myself a chance to enjoy this down time that I do have, instead of worrying about not having work and a lot of money, and trust that let the Lord will provide!.

Currently, I am volunteering to help out for this event called the Pearls of the Dutch Caribbean. They are having their 4th annual DC Pearl Gala and I volunteered to be one of their Social Media strategists, its a BIG job for a volunteering position, buuuuut I am using my degree. if you think about it, this is something that I can not only place on my CV, but I learn from, that will help me later on. It might even open new and exciting doors and windows for me . I have to force myself to learn to enjoy the journey!! I have a feeling I will be learning more about myself because of it!  So please, just bear with me, as I bear with myself.



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