Give yourself a much needed break!

Hey all,

I know, I know. I’ve been gone for a more than a week. However, I have very good reasons for being absent, you want a list? Read below.
1. Family. My parents are in town and I don’t get to see them very often as they live very far away from me. Far, as in, in the different country, across the Atlantic Ocean far. I’m an island girl, remember? So, I am trying to spend as much time as possible with them as I can.
2. Graduation. Last week Thursday I graduated with a MSc in Communication and Information Sciences specializing in Business and Digital Media, YAAAAAAYYYY! So, as you can imagine, I celebrated and I will continue to celebrate this massive achievement in my life. It is slowly sinking in that I have 2 degrees, it’s a blessing! A truly proud and fantastic moment, I’m soo happy and PROUD!

Signing that diploma!
Signing that diploma!

3. Travelling. Since my family is in town, and I want to spend as much time with them as possible, I’ve been travelling more than usual to meet them and be near them. You know, I;ve noticed that as I’ve gotten older I appreciate my parents more. I am grateful that they are still with me and seeing them and being near them makes me emotional and grateful. We live in this damned fast-paced society, where if you even were to take a minute to breathe, you feel guilty because everyone else is moving, doing things and you feel left behind. But, its really important to take a break in-between moments breathe, RELAX, regroup, reboot and then continue.

4. Job Hunting. I’ve been looking for work. I have been doing some networking and reaching out those new contacts and trying to build relationships. I’ve been doing my own job hunting because at the end of the day you need an income. [Ok! Side note . Can I tell you a secret? Yeah? Ok… hear it is, “I’m secretly, scared and worried! ”] ,Why? Because, I just graduated, I’m about to cut off my study financing and I need another source of income , but I’m not as worried because a lot can happen between now and the end of the month. God has me covered!

Here’s another truth moment, are you ready for this? Initially, my intention was to have my pose up yesterday, to have the same format and content as well. I was going to have a different message  at the end as well . It was about making excuses and the above points, were excuses as to why, I have not been posting on time or regularly. It was a bit of a ”let’s beat myself up about my imperfections” and what I see sometimes are my flaws. (Laugh), you know, sometimes we are our own worst critic. We are the hardest on ourselves, when we should be giving ourselves some credit and a much needed break. I guess this is the point of my post to: Give yourself a break! Annd don’t allow anyone to make you feel guilty about it.



2 Comments Add yours

  1. I’m proud of your achievements Sol! 🙂


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